Hear ye! Hear ye! To all those tragically in love with your significant other and to all those binging around on Netflix with all those trashy romcoms (like I did 💔) or crying with another one of those heartbreak/heartbroken playlists (with, of course, the chocolate). It’s time to get out of your comfy onesies (no matter how soft they may be) and explore another type of love - a love that fights against all odds, even when the world seems against them. Join Project Lumad in our fight for education.
Confused on where to begin? Here is our guide on how YOU can empower the Lumadnon community, depending on your Love Language <3
#1: Acts of Service
It’s. Time. To. Drop. The. Broom! 🧹 Stop cleaning your desk and moping around. Actions definitely speak louder than words, and, in this case, your actions may significantly change the quality of life of a student. For those with acts of service, you can opt to donate now in order to raise funds for the school supplies of the Lumad Bakwit School Students! No matter the amount, your donations would significantly help us in our fight for their education.
#2: Quality Time
#3: Receiving Gifts
#4: Words of Affirmation
#5: Physical Touch
With all that said, we would like to share our love to you for being a part of the Project Lumad community. We irretrievably and irrevocably burn for you, and we hope that you feel empowered to take initiative with us… as students helping students. 🥰💘